School IPM

Project director:  Ryan Anderson, IPM Institute of North American, Inc

The School IPM Working Group provides information for controlling pests in schools while minimizing risks.

In 2023-2024, the School IPM Working Group will focus on disseminating The Pest Defense for Healthy Schools trainings (Pest Defense) and resources to both K-12 school staff and students. The Pest Defense program includes 10 no-cost, scientifically vetted IPM educational content modules tailored to specific school employee groups including: custodians, maintenance, facility managers, landscape professionals, food service professionals, nurses, teachers and administrators. 

The School IPM Working Group plans to expand Pest Defense trainings and resources in 2023-2024 by (1) increasing Pest Defense’s and school IPM’s brand awareness, (2) identifying and analyzing state policies that either promote or hinder school IPM and (3) developing pathways to incorporate IPM into school curriculums and, ultimately, everyday management practices.   


  • The Pest Defense for Healthy Schools is a central hub of school IPM information and has trained more than 4,000 individuals.  

  • Green Shield Certification is available for schools