Steering and Advisory Committees

In addition to staff, the North Central IPM Center recruits and maintains two committees. The Advisory Committee includes more than 50 stakeholders, and a subset of these stakeholders also serve on the Steering Committee.

The Advisory and a Steering Committees determine regional Center priorities and provide guidance for how to address regional priorities, including strategic planning efforts. These committees include working group leaders, NCERA-222 members (IPM coordinators), communication experts and representatives of regional organizations, national programs, educators, industry and underserved groups. This collaborative effort fosters communication and collaboration amongst Advisory Committee members and the stakeholders they represent.

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee receives quarterly email updates from NCIPMC staff. An annual survey about IPM priorities and needs will be sent to Advisory Committee members for members to fill out and also distribute to their stakeholders. Center staff engage with the full Advisory Committee annually to discuss survey results, provide an annual update and discuss strategic issue needs. Moreover, the Advisory Committee is an important avenue for Center outreach. Advisory Committee members promote the Center and Center activities to their stakeholders and others who may be interested.


Steering Committee

Since the NCIPMC Steering Committee is a subset of Advisory Committee members, the committee’s small size, historical perspective and representative structure allow the group to provide general direction for center activities. The Steering Committee advises center staff on timely and effective Center management and use of funds; goals, priorities and strategic planning; approach to signature programs; partnerships; and assessment of impacts. Essentially, the Steering Committee is responsible for contributing to the Center’s vision for IPM in the North Central region.

In addition to their Advisory Committee tasks, Steering Committee members attend an annual Steering Committee meeting (in-person or virtual) and participate in conference calls as needed to provide guidance to center goals and activities.